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EUR/CHF: An Overview

The forex symbol EUR/CHF indicates how much the Euro (abbreviated as EUR) is worth in relation to the Swiss Franc (abbreviated as CHF), and how many Swiss Francs you need to buy one Euro. The pair is nicknamed “Euro-swissie” in the FX market.


As a cross-currency pair, EUR and CHF are traded directly, without the need to convert to a base currency first. This is also commonly known as currency pairs that do not involve the US Dollar (USD). The EUR/CHF currency pair is among the most popular cross-currencies in the forex market.


In this article we breakdown the history of these currencies, their dynamics, and how you can trade this pair. 

For more currency pair breakdowns, check out our USD/JPY Overview.


Currency background

The Euro (EUR)


As of 2022, 19 out of the 27 member countries of the European Union (EU) use EUR as their official currency.


Since its debut in 1999 and entry into circulation in 2002, EUR has become one of the most widely used currencies for financial transactions worldwide, often second only (or at times at par with) USD.


Owing to its credibility, EUR has also, until recently, been a relatively stable currency. This stability has allowed it to extend its importance well beyond the EU. Over 50 other countries and territories globally have adopted the EUR as currency or have pegged their currencies to EUR. Furthermore, it accounts for over 20% of global foreign exchange reserves, second only to USD.

The Swiss Franc (CHF)


CHF is the official currency of Switzerland, as well as of Liechtenstein. In contrast to EUR, CHF traces its origin over a century back to 1850.


CHF is among the top ten most traded currencies globally. It has long been considered a safe-haven currency, owing to the stability of the Swiss economy and its political neutrality. However, unlike EUR, no other country uses CHF as a peg for their own currency.


What to consider in trading EUR/CHF


Compared to most currency pairs in the market, EUR/CHF experiences fewer price movements. The trends are typically slower and more stable.


Several factors affect the prices of currency pairs in the forex market. For most currency pairs, price movements are mostly tied to economic and geopolitical circumstances, both locally and globally.


Here are some factors that drive EUR/CHF movements:




The EU, as a single market, is one of the largest economies in the world and one of the three most prominent players in global trade. It is Switzerland’s primary trading partner, with the EU accounting for over 60% of Swiss imports and receiving over 40% of Swiss exports. The economic situation in the Eurozone has a history of affecting the Swiss economy, such as in the 2010s.


If you’re trading EUR-based pairs, you can keep up to date with happenings in the EU economy through European Commission economic reports, including economic forecasts and reviews, as well as Fusion's Economic Calendar. The European Central Bank also publishes economic bulletins that provide insights on monetary policy, a key determinant of currency strength.


Swiss policies


The Swiss National Bank, which issues CHF, has traditionally been non-interventionist. Several of its moves, however, have impacted currency markets. In 2011, it pegged the CHF to EUR, in a move to help Swiss businesses to increase their profitability. A few years later, in 2015, it abandoned the peg, stunning investors, causing market turmoil, and leaving a profound impact on the EUR.


EUR/CHF chart of Euro Peg and Depeg

EUR/CHF 2011-2015 Weekly Time Frame

Global risks


Investors on the move to mitigate global economic risks are drawn to CHF due to its solid reputation for financial stability. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis in the late 2000s, widespread buying of CHF saw a 20% depreciation of EUR to CHF.


Geopolitical conditions


Investors also turn to CHF in times of political uncertainty in the EU, such as during the Greek sovereign debt crisis following the 2008 financial crisis. Demand for CHF had also soared during the Brexit negotiations, with investors using it as a hedge for protection against Brexit.

Movements in USD


A distinct advantage of EUR/CHF is its independence from USD. As they can be directly traded with each other, the pair isolates traders from USD-related volatilities. 


The EU is one of the largest economies in the world, with EUR used in a majority of global transactions. The EU and Switzerland are not only geographically close, but also share strong economic ties, such as trade relations.


The EUR/CHF as a cross-currency pair experiences fewer price movements, with less volatile trends compared to other forex pairs. Both currencies are credible, with CHF long considered a safe-haven currency. Even during the COVID-19 global pandemic, investors have trusted CHF.

If you're looking to trade EUR/CHF, you'll be able to get ultra-tight spreads and $2.25 commissions per lot with Fusion Markets. Don't wait on the sidelines, be part of the action.





Market Analysis
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Overview and Analysis of USD/JPY

Extremely liquid and highly traded, the USD/JPY pairing is one of the major pairs of the foreign exchange market, being the second most traded pair by volume behind EUR/USD. Used to denote how much 1 US Dollar (the base currency) converts to Japanese Yen (the quote currency), the volatility, reserve-held status of both currencies, and liquidity have made it a popular trading pair among Forex Traders.

Historically the Japanese Yen has fared well against the US Dollar in times of market turmoil, as many investors view the Yen as a safe-haven currency. This was most apparent during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008 and post GFC market rebound.

Yen during the GFC

USD/JPY from 2005-2015

What factors affect USD/JPY?

The USD/JPY pair is influenced by both the US and Japan’s monetary policies, in particular those related to treasuries and interest rates.

Differences in policies and interest rate decisions by the Federal Reserve (FED) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) are often one of the key drivers of the pair, and have in the past correlated closely with USD/JPY movements.

These differences have further been compounded with Japan’s introduction of Qualitative and Quantitative Easing (QQE) with Yield Curve Control (YCC) in 2016.

Historically, when US treasury prices rise, the USD/JPY pair weakens. Similarly, when US treasuries fall, the US dollar strengthens against the Yen.

With bond yields being a key driver, factors that affect bond yields such as interest rate expectations and inflation can significantly affect the pair. For example, as rising interest rates lead to higher bond yields, it also subsequently leads to the USD/JPY strengthening.

Therefore, when the Fed or BOJ intervenes to control inflation, deflation or stagflation with changes in interest rates it affects USD/JPY.

While treasuries and interest rates are often seen as one of the core drivers of USD/JPY, similar to other Forex markets, a range of other economic factors also play a role in the movement of the pair.

Some other economic factors that have played a role in the past are: Japan’s import/export balance, natural disasters, GDP, CPI, unemployment rate and wage growth. Although these do not influence the pair as much as US treasuries and interest rates, they can create significant price movements depending on how unexpected the event is.

For example, following the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, the Yen surged against the US Dollar with pundits expecting that Japanese investors would have to repatriate to cover the cost of the damages.

USD/JPY March 2011

Why is the Yen weakening and USD/JPY soaring?

As mentioned above, interest rates and monetary policy are some of the biggest drivers of the pair. This was further magnified during the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent Quantitative Easing (QE) policies of countries worldwide with stimulus schemes issued by many governments including the US and Japan.

In the case of the US this was one of the major factors to its rising inflation. As such, the US has begun implementing interest rate hikes, and is expected to more aggressively raise interest rates throughout 2022 and 2023.

In comparison, the BOJ has opted to not introduce any interest rate hikes in the short term and instead plans to continue with their stimulus and subsidies packages. Japan’s history with deflation and negative rates makes this position understandable, but the weakening Yen has made Haruhiko Kuroda, the Governor of the BOJ, express concerns.

Japan’s plans to continue with their proposed stimulus has led to the Yen weakening not only against the US Dollar but other foreign currencies where central banks plan to increase interest rates, such as the UK and GBP.

It will be important to keep an eye on USD/JPY as the monetary policies of the FED and BOJ continue to diverge.

How do I trade the USD/JPY pair?

As Treasury bonds tend to affect the pair, looking at yields across different maturities can be a good basis to begin your analysis. This can help forecast the future of the pair, and overall provide a solid fundamentals-based foundation for other analysis.

Another useful indicator, as USD/JPY can represent market confidence, is the S&P 500, as it may provide early warning signs of overall market reversals.

In terms of when to trade the pair, 12:00 to 15:00 GMT (when the Tokyo market isn’t open) has been one of the most volatile and best times to trade the pair. Even though the Tokyo Market isn’t open yet, this period tends to have high volatility as it is when the London and New York markets overlap.

In terms of when not to trade the pair, you want to avoid “quiet” times in the market such as 21:00-24:00 GMT when the New York market is closed, London is sleeping, and the Tokyo market is yet to open. Similarly, 03:00-5:00 GMT is considered another quiet period as the Tokyo market is nearing the end of the day, and the London and New York markets are not open.

Another consideration is your trading strategy. A commonly cited reason that USD/JPY is favoured by some traders is due to Japan’s traditionally low interest rates. These low interest rates make it a good pair to consider for those who are implementing carry trade strategies.

To learn more about currency pairs, and the foreign exchange market sign up to Fusion Markets and keep up with all the latest macroeconomic events.   

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The Benefits of Copy Trading Forex

Read Time: 10 - 15 Minutes

In this article, we go through everything you need to know about forex copy trading and how you can gauge the benefits and drawbacks it offers to both beginners and experienced traders.


What is Copy Trading?

Copy trading is software that is used to duplicate the trading strategies of selected traders.  

While this may sound like “mirror trading” (a technique used to mimic another traders strategies), the key difference is in copy trading the copying trader has their account linked to the account of the trader being copied. This means that whenever the trader being copied opens, closes, or alters a position these actions are also applied to the linked account (the copying trader).  

What’s the Difference between Social Trading and Copy Trading?

Before we dive into more details about copy trading, it’s important to distinguish between copy trading and social trading, as they are often mistakenly considered to be one and the same. Since we have already made clear what copy trading is about, let’s go into what social trading is, and how it might differ from copy trading. 

In essence, social trading is a combination of social media and investment. In social trading platforms, you can directly communicate with other investors, and exchange information about what trades to perform in a given time. This allows more people to collaborate. 

The main advantage of this is that you can analyse the trades yourself, meaning in some cases, you can try to see if there are any errors in making the trades before you execute them yourself. 

In mirror and copy trading, traders are in most cases using automated software to mimic the strategies of selected traders. 

In both mirror trading and social trading, you are not directly following someone’s trades, but are instead either automating their strategy (mirror trading) or manually following their strategy (social trading). 

In contrast, copy trading follows the trades of the selected trader, including when a position is opened and closed, as the accounts are linked. 

While social trading involves a closer look at trades and is great for people who want to learn trading by experiencing it first-hand, it also includes investing more time in research on the terminology and strategies of the industry.  

It should also be noted that with social trading, you might still be solely responsible for the trades that you perform. You only gain information from other traders within the social trading platform, and you can't automatically execute the trades based on other traders, as copy trading platforms allow you to do. 

In a sense, the main difference is in the way people approach trading in the first place.  

For those who are keen on learning everything about trading, social trading is a fantastic place to start. They gain knowledge along the way as they perform trades themselves. They copy other traders but also do their own research in the process, because they want to know the reasoning behind those trades.  

Copy trading, on the other hand, is for people who want a hands-off approach to trading, who prefer not to have to constantly monitor their trades. It’s for people who would rather just trust their trades to an experienced trader or someone they know personally.  

   Manual Trading     Copy Trading       Mirror Trading      Social Trading  
Beginner Friendly     No     Yes     No    Yes
Fully Automated
     No    Yes     Yes    No
Algorithmic     No    No     Yes    No


Why Should I Learn About Copy Trading?

These days, when markets are monitored around the clock, a variety of strategies are called for and across various asset classes.  

Investors might favour some strategies they have applied for a long time and with good results, but there’s no guarantee that those strategies will always work in the future. 

History of Copy Trading

While popular now, the first iteration of copy trading goes back to 2005, when researchers found a way to create an algorithm that could replicate trading behaviours.  

This use of algorithms quickly grew in popularity as investors and brokers picked up on it. This became the birth of mirror trading. 

However, it wasn’t long until brokerages and popular traders used the popularity of mirror trading to instead allow investors to link to their account, and for a small fee, allow investors to get complete exposure to their positions and strategies. 

Copy trading has turned out to be a unique way of getting access to the financial markets. The innovation spread to others who wanted to invest in foreign exchange, crypto or stocks but didn't have the time to follow markets, analyse information, or devise strategies they weren’t even sure would work.  

What Are the Benefits of Copy Trading? 

Copy trading has several benefits. These fall under two main categories: Income and Learning.  

You Earn Passive Income

Copy trade forex allows for passive income. You only need to set up your account, find a reputable investor that has hopefully been investing or trading for many years and has a reliable track record with few bumps along the road in their performance. Ideally, they take less risk than the average investor by holding fewer drawdowns and accessing markets you wouldn’t either get exposure to (e.g., Forex, Commodities etc.).  

In a way, to copy trade forex is to ride the wave that the experienced investor is creating and profit from it. 

Of course, investing in this way is not entirely risk-free. That is what makes the other benefit category, learning, more significant if you’re a beginner trader. 

You Learn from the Experts

One crucial benefit of copy trading, which beginners should be aware of, is that it can save them tons of time learning the fundamentals of forex trading.  

Learning how to analyse market information and plan a strategy from scratch can take a long time. Copy trading helps shorten that learning process by following the market in real time with actual skin in the game.  

You can experience how seasoned traders approach trading and pick up ideas from them. Eventually, you may even make your own variations of their strategies.  

You Learn How Experts Handle Losses

That doesn’t mean you should blindly trust what an established investor is doing with their trades. Even experts make mistakes.  

In fact, good investors study their past losses to identify errors in their approach and make adjustments, intending to minimise future risk further. 

Among the things you can also learn from copy trading, then, is how to recognise these mistakes for yourself, despite an expert’s opinion or because of an expert’s mistake, when a trade will result in a loss. 

And from the expert traders’ example, you learn how to learn from your mistakes. 

What Are the Drawbacks of Copy Trading?

Like all other investment strategies, copy trading has its fair share of disadvantages across any platform.  

Even Experts Make Mistakes

As mentioned before, even professional investors can make mistakes. They might trade something they wouldn’t normally trade, or refuse to close a trade when they should have. These are common mistakes we can all make due to our hidden biases. It's best, therefore, to partially monitor your investments as well, and not passively hope for the best. Ideally, you’re following along and can understand the reasoning for why the trader you’ve followed has done what they’ve done.  

Investing Involves Costs 

For people keen on investing in high volume, the commission fee that professional investors take can sometimes add up if money has already been lost through a bad or missed strategy.  

With a copy trading platform like Fusion’s, you only pay fees for any positive performance. There are no hidden management fees or entry or exit fees. You simply agree to the performance fee when signing up and away you go.  

Dealing with Drawbacks

Like everything else, copy trading has its pros and cons. With careful decision-making, proper research, and intelligent risk management, you can maximise the benefits of copy trading and minimise its drawbacks.                                      

Final Thoughts 

There isn’t much difficulty to copy trading. All you're doing is finding someone you know with a decent track record which has steady gains with minimised risk and hopefully mimicking their strategies for trading in the markets.  

That can be done by looking at investors’ trade history and analysing their trade entry (both buy order for long positions and sell order for short positions). At least two years of history is a good place to start.  

Overall, copy trading can minimise the risk of capital loss if you have found the right trader. For professional investors already familiar with various strategies, copy trading is still a good option - it might get you access to an uncorrelated asset class they might not have traded before or sharpen their own skills by following and learning from someone else.  

If you’d like to get started with copy trading, Fusion offers a range of options for both beginner and seasoned traders. Fusion+ allows traders to copy trade some of the most successful traders in the financial markets.  

We also offer a copy trading service through our partner DupliTrade. For those who wanted more of a social trading experience we also provide that with our partner, Myfxbook Auto Trade. 

If you’d like to learn more, contact us and we’ll happily answer any questions you have about copy trading, Forex or CFDs.  


What’s the main benefit of copy trading? 

The main benefit of copy trading is to automate the investors' trading and minimize risk. It can also prevent slippage in buy and sell orders because most copy trading platforms are fast and automated. 

How does copy trading work? 

It works by copying the strategies of other experienced investors and applying them to your portfolio. 

Can I use MT5 and MT4 for forex trading? 

You can use MT5 and MT4 for forex trading. While MT4 is explicitly designed for forex investments, MT5 has a range of other assets, both centralized and decentralized. 

What are the risks of copy trading? 

The main risk of copy trading is that even experienced traders whose strategies you might copy can make mistakes. You have to monitor your own investments to spot issues at once if something goes wrong. 

Thousands of brokers are ready to help you invest. Experience copy trading with MT4 or MT5. Sign up now! 

Trading and Brokerage
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Fusion adds 50+ Commission Free US Equities

That’s right, we have more than doubled our US Equity product line to 110 US equities. We want to ensure that our traders have the best costs, spreads and range of products, so it’s important to us that the most actively traded equities on the US market are available at Fusion, with no commission.

We now offer all equities in the NASDAQ 100 and more.

You’ll be able to find the entire list of newly added US Share CFDs in the table at the bottom of this page. For a complete list of all our trading products visit our trading product page.

How can I access these new equities?

When you open your MetaTrader 5 platform and log into your Fusion account, you should already be able to access the entire range of new US Equities. If you don’t see all products, you need to right click in the “symbols” tab of the “market watch” and select “show all”.

What are the trading times for US Equities?

Trading of US Equities on Fusion Markets follows the normal trading times of the US Equities market. This means trading hours are between 9:30 - 14:00 New York time, or for Australians, that translates to 01:30 - 08:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEDT).

Will buying these US Equities be like buying a US Share?

No. It’s important to remember this is a Contract for Difference (CFD) and not a share. In a CFD you don’t own the underlying stock, but are instead trading on the underlying asset price.

We use CFDs as they are one the best financial products for traders to capitalise on the price action of an asset via leverage. This form of derivative gives traders the best opportunities to take advantage of movements whether up or down. If you believe an equity is overvalued, a CFD is an excellent way to enter a position that will profit if the equity price falls. Additionally, with a CFD you are also able to increase your position size with leverage.

Full list of new US Equities available on Fusion markets


I still have questions about the new US Equities

We are available around the clock, so if you have any further questions you can check out our FAQ page (most questions are answered here) or visit our contact page to get more information.

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Why You've Got a Bigger Advantage than Professionals

You’ll often hear in the media or from professional market participants that retail clients “shouldn’t try to compete with the professionals”.

Ignoring the condescension here for a moment (“the adults will take it from here”) it is my firm belief after ten years of trading that this isn’t always true.

Sure, any beginner will find it challenging at the beginning to trade successfully, but you can’t expect to play like Roger Federer after one match of tennis, can you?

Charlie Ellis, the man who oversaw the $24 billion Yale endowment fund in the US once, said “watch a pro football game and it's obvious the guys on the field are faster, stronger and more willing to bear and inflict more pain than you are. Surely you would say ‘I don’t want to play against those guys.”

But Charlie is wrong in a few ways.

Yes, professional traders and institutions have many advantages at their fingertips. They get news faster than you do. Their trades go more quickly than yours. They pay far less than you do. You get the picture.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Here are a few reasons why:


No, not in the sense that you have more actual time to trade than them.

You probably don’t.

You’ve probably got a full-time job.

You might have kids or ailing parents to look after.

Trading is like a side hustle for you.

BUT your time horizon is different from theirs.

You can hold a trade for days or weeks without a Manager yelling at you “Why the hell are you selling euros, you dummy… the market is going up”. You might enter a trade on gold and plan to hold it for months.

A professional fund manager or trader might not have that luxury due to quarterly reviews, investor pressure or whatever else.

Professional Risk

Professional or Career risk is one I picked up from famed value investor, Howard Marks. In his book “The Most Important Thing” (one of my favourite investing/trading books of all time – buy it!) he talks about how in the GFC there was so much pressure on investors to not look silly by calling the bottom of the market or “catching a falling knife”. No one wanted to be the guy in the office who was buying Citibank at $1 per share!

Similar to my time point above, you don’t have that problem.

You don’t have your colleagues questioning you why you’ve bought or sold some instrument. Or a boss that is screaming at you and putting you into an emotionally defensive position trying to justify your actions.

Will you lose your job for selling USDJPY? No.

Does a professional trader get fired for always missing targets or taking on too much risk? Yes.

You need to work out what you’re happy with in your trading goals and go for them.

It’s entirely up to you what you define as success. The Pros don’t have that luxury.


Which brings me to my next point.

Most professional traders and investors have a benchmark. If you’re a fund manager you’ll send out your monthly report to your investors saying “here is how much we made/lost.. and here is what the benchmark did”.

If you miss that benchmark, get ready for investor withdrawals. As a professional, you’re judged on your performance. Simple as that. The more investors leave. The more you have to sell. The more you sell, the worse your performance!

What’s your benchmark? You get to set your own. Happy with 1% a month? Awesome.

What about $100 a month so you can buy your wife dinner? Happy days.

Or $5,000 a month so you can pay off your mortgage? Even better.

It comes back to autonomy and your desires. No one else decides that but you.

Fees and Expenses

Believe it or not, you do have a HUGE advantage here, especially if you’re trading with a low-cost broker (hello, Fusion!)

If you’re a professional investor/manager, you’ll often have a significant research team, a very fancy office with lovely views, staff bonuses, visits to various investment conferences etc.

Not to mention all that travel to see your clients and investors!

Putting that aside for a moment, if you choose a good broker, you’ll pay zero spread and a small commission that is not far off what the pros trade. They’ve got $100,000,000 though, you’ve got one thousand!

So, ignore the haters telling you to stay out of the market because its only for the big boys.

However, let me be clear.

I’m not saying trading is easy and (unlike some) and that you can soon retire on the beach. It’s not. Trading FX, in particular, is a highly challenging exercise.

But don’t just assume because there are so many professionals in this that you can’t succeed or you’ll never be good enough. You have to play your own game, and for me, that’s the best part. I set my own rules as to what I consider success. That’s something the pros will never get.  

If you’d like to start trading and use your advantages to outperform the pros, Sign Up to Fusion Markets and get your feet wet with our demo account. When you're ready start a live account to start making real-time trades.

Trading and Brokerage
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How to deposit via PayID in your Fusion Hub

Using PayID is a fast and easy way currently available on the Fusion Hub for you to deposit your money into your account as quickly and easily as possible. 

PayID deposits are sent using your own unique PayID Email address for your Fusion account. This will be provided to you when you generate a new PayID Deposit Address via the Payments tab for AUD. When you are on this page, as shown below, you will be able to select the PayID deposit option and then generate this address here.  



Once you've received your unique Fusion PayID within the Hub, visit your internet banking and make a transfer using "PayID" and choose the option to send via the PayID "Email Address" option. Please note, an incorrect PayID Email will cause your deposit to be unsuccessful and create significant delays. 




To make a new deposit 

  1. Log into your bank 
  2. Create a new payment via PayID (or "pay someone using an email address") 
  3. Enter in the email address found on the deposit screen 
  4. You can enter anything you like in the reference field for your own records, this will not affect the transfer on our end 
  5. Finally, enter the amount you want to send and complete the transfer 

Bank Specific instructions

Please note 

Although PayID is a fast way to deposit your funds, your bank may impose a limit on how much you can send - typically around the $1000 mark. If you want to deposit more than this limit, we suggest first depositing as much as your bank allows via PayID, then using another payment method for the remainder. 

Further Questions?

If you have any further questions relating to your deposit, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly team via live chat. 

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