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Ethereum Trading: All You Need to Know

Fusion Markets

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What is Ethereum?  

You may have heard of Ethereum being compared to Bitcoin, but Ethereum isn’t actually the digital currency itself. Instead, Ethereum is the technology that can run various financial services like payment systems, identity software, security programs, and of course, cryptocurrency trading.  

But how does this technology work?  

Like Bitcoin, Ethereum also uses blockchain technology, but there are quite a few differences on the deeper, more technical side. Blockchain technology is the foundation that supports all of Ethereum’s services.  

The biggest feature of Ethereum is that it is a programmable blockchain. This means that you’re free to use the technology according to your own needs. Whether you need it for payments, software, or even Bitcoin, you’re free to do that!  

Some of the world’s biggest companies are using blockchain in various ways, which shows how flexible the technology is. BMW, the renowned automaker, is using the Ethereum blockchain to track materials across its supply chain.  

De Beers, the biggest diamond mining company globally, is using the Ethereum blockchain to track diamonds from mining to selling. HSBC is also using the blockchain to conduct foreign exchange trades on its FX Everywhere platform.  

The blockchain can be used on just about any technology that requires information to be logged and verified.   

But if you’re here reading this article, you’re probably more interested in investing in cryptocurrency or buying cryptocurrencies. That would be ETH or Ether.  


What is the difference between Ether and Ethereum?  

If Ethereum is the technology, then Ether is the cryptocurrency that runs on that technology. However, for most people, “Ethereum” and “Ether” are used interchangeably to refer to the digital currency instead of the technology.  

The shorthand for Ether is ETH, and just like Bitcoin, ETH is a form of decentralised finance or “defi.”  

This means that the digital currency is not centrally regulated by one authority. Instead, all the computers on the blockchain do the work of validating each and every transaction on the network.  

Ether is up there with Bitcoin as one of the most highly traded cryptocurrencies globally, along with Ripple XRP and Litecoin and others available on Fusion Markets’ platforms.   


The benefits of trading Ethereum  

As with any digital currency, the biggest benefit of trading Ethereum is the lack of centralised regulation because of blockchain technology. This means that making fraudulent transactions on the network is extremely difficult and almost impossible.  

However, one thing that makes Ether different from Bitcoin is that the supply of Eth is limitless.  

Let’s break it down a little bit.  

The way Bitcoin works is people are constantly “mining” for Bitcoin. However, there is a predefined limit for the amount of Bitcoin that can ever be in circulation. Once all the available Bitcoin has been mined, that’s all the Bitcoin that will ever circulate.  

The Bitcoin mining rate slows down over time, so the prediction is that the last Bitcoin will be mined at around 2140. That’s over a hundred years from now, but it’s still a definite time that will arrive.  

For most people, the problem with the limited supply of Bitcoin is that it can create issues like high inflation levels in the future.  

The supply of Ether does not have the same limitations that Bitcoin has. Thus, it can be more stable in its fluctuations, and this effectively works as a hedge against extreme inflation.  

Ether is also less volatile, at least when compared to Bitcoin. So if you’re looking to invest or trade in cryptocurrencies, but you want to minimise the volatility, Ether may be right up your alley.  


Risk Management when it comes to Ethereum  

Despite the lower volatility levels of Ethereum, it is still a cryptocurrency. This means that unlike more traditional investments like stocks and forex, its price is still quite volatile in comparison.  

So, when trading or investing in Ethereum, it’s essential to employ risk management practices.  

First, only use as much money as you’re willing to lose. This is a basic precept for investing or trading in general, and it applies to Ethereum as well. The price of ETH in 2021 may be high, and it may look like it will continue to rise, but no one can really predict the next price movement.  

Second, diversify. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. If you want to trade cryptocurrency, make sure to allocate your funds across multiple digital currencies. That way, if the price of one plummets, you still have your holdings in other cryptocurrencies to rely on.  

Third, do your own research. Don’t rely on social media gurus or finance forum posts that tell you when to buy or sell. Cryptocurrency is a fairly new concept, and it’s pretty much still in its infancy stages.   

If you’re investing in ETH, make sure that you understand it, how it works, and what the technology behind it is.  

A good investment is one where you believe in the product you’re investing in.   

While it’s true that no one can really predict how the price of the cryptocurrency will move, it’s much safer to put your money in investments that you’ve done research in instead of just blindly following what you see on social media.  

Finally, make sure to monitor your own physical and mental health while trading cryptocurrency. The markets run 24/7, and you don’t want to be looking at charts all day while ignoring your own well-being.   

Taking care of your mind and body allows you to make better, more rational trading decisions, dramatically reducing the risk.  

Risk management is a fundamental skill that any reasonable investor or trader should have. There are plenty of risks when it comes to ETH and cryptocurrency in general. Risk is unavoidable, so the best thing we can do is to manage and minimize it.  


The Future of Ethereum  

Despite cryptocurrency being a new concept and Ethereum being fairly more recent than Bitcoin, its rise in the charts shows that it’s here to stay.  

The main selling point of Ethereum is how its blockchain technology compares to Bitcoin, and with the number of people investing in or trading ETH, it’s clear that there is widespread acceptance and trust for ETH.  

Will ETH keep its place as one of the top cryptocurrencies in the future? The truth is, nobody knows. Governments are still only beginning to recognise and regulate cryptocurrencies, so the future of ETH is, as a whole, uncertain.  

But for some people, that uncertainty is what makes ETH such a good investment. Hopefully, this article has helped get you started on the basics of trading ETH. 


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