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Our Inter-Account Transfers are Now 60% Cheaper
Fusion Markets

Our mission has always been to bring low-cost trading to everyone, everywhere, and our newest upgrade is another way we're fulfilling that promise to you. In this blog post, we'll delve into the improvements we've made to our inter-account transfer infrastructure, and show you how to leverage these new features to optimise your trades.

Reduced Account-to-Account FX Transfer Costs

Part of our upgrade allows you to transfer funds from two different base currency accounts at a rate 60% cheaper than before. Our rates are essentially interbank rates, meaning that these are some of the best rates you'll find available, even from your own bank.

So when you're transferring funds from your USD account to your EUR account, you're getting close to the rate that banks will give when they trade with each other.

Seamless Transfers Between Trading Accounts

Transferring funds between your trading accounts is now a breeze. Access the convenient "Payments" tab within your Client Hub and click on "Transfer."

Effortlessly swap between accounts or create new ones to streamline your trading strategy and manage your funds with ease.


Creating New Base Currency Accounts Made Simple

In addition to far superior exchange rates, you can also create new base currency accounts with a simple click.

To create a new account, all you need to do is select a currency in which you currently do not have a trading account.

Click on "Create an Account," set up your password and trading conditions, and you're ready to go.


Instant Transfers for Immediate Trading

Recognising the importance of time in the fast-paced world of trading, we've ensured that transfers between your accounts are now instant. With prompt processing, you can create a new account, transfer funds, and dive into trading within a minute. Embrace agility and seize opportunities swiftly.

Have More Questions?

If you require further information or have any additional questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team - we're available 24/7. We're here to provide guidance and support, ensuring your trading success.

Happy trading!

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Unveiling the Power of Spreads: Trade Smarter with Fusion Markets' Spreads Tool
Fusion Markets

Are you ready to talk about spreads? Sure, you might think that there is nothing you have not heard before.  

John Wooden, an American basketball coach, said it best: “The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.” 

So, hear me out. The spread is one of the most important concepts in forex trading, and understanding how it works can have a significant impact on your trading game. 


First things first, let's define what a spread is. In forex trading, a spread is the difference between the bid and ask price of a currency pair. The bid price is the price at which you can sell the currency, while the ask price is the price at which you can buy it.  


The size of the spread can vary depending on a number of factors, including the volatility of the market, the liquidity of the currency pair, and the broker you are using. In general, the more volatile and illiquid a currency pair is, the larger the spread will be. 


Now, picture this: you have finally decided to dip your toe into the exciting world of forex trading. You have done your research, chosen a broker, and you are ready to make your first trade. But wait - what is this? The spread on your chosen currency pair is wider than the Grand Canyon. Suddenly, your dream of becoming a successful forex trader starts to feel like a distant memory. 


Okay, maybe that is a bit dramatic. But the point is, the spread can make a substantial difference in your forex trading experience. And when it comes to spreads, tighter is always better. 

So, why is it important to trade with tight spreads? 

For starters, tighter spreads mean lower trading costs. Some brokers might increase their spreads as part of their fee, which is why on some account types, the commissions are baked into the spreads. Remember that there are also several factors that might have an impact on the spreads. If the spread is wider, that means you are paying more in fees every time you buy or sell a currency pair. Over time, those fees can really add up, eating into your profits and making it harder to achieve your trading goals. 


But it is not just about the cost. Tighter spreads can also improve your chances of making a profit. When the spread is wider, it means there is a larger gap between the bid and ask price. This can make it harder to enter and exit trades at the price you want.  


For example, if you are trying to buy a currency pair, but the ask price is much higher than the bid price, you might end up paying more than you intended. Conversely, if you are trying to sell a currency pair, but the bid price is much lower than the ask price, you might end up receiving less than you wanted. These slight differences may not seem like a big deal, but over time, they can make a significant impact on your overall profitability. 


It is important to keep in mind that not all brokers offer the same spreads. Some brokers may advertise low spreads, but then widen them during periods of high volatility or low liquidity. That is why it is important to do your research and choose a reputable broker with consistent pricing.  

But how do you know if your broker is offering you competitive spreads?  

Of course, you want a broker who is open and honest about their pricing and fees, and who is willing to provide you with the tools and information you need to make smart trading decisions.  


And that is where our new tool comes in. At Fusion Markets, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible trading conditions and that means being upfront about pricing and fees. That is why we designed our new Historical and Live Spreads tool.  


This tool allows traders to view the historical spreads of a particular currency pair over a specified time frame, as well as the current live spreads. This information can be incredibly valuable in helping you make informed decisions about when to enter and exit trades. No more surprises, no more hidden fees – just transparent, competitive pricing. 


Think about it - with this tool, you can see how spreads have fluctuated over time, and get a sense of what a "normal" spread looks like for a particular currency pair. This can help you identify when spreads are wider than usual and avoid trading during times when you might be paying more in fees than you need to. 


And that is not all - the historical and live spreads tool also helps to promote transparency in the forex industry. We believe that our clients deserve to know exactly what they are paying in fees, and that is why we are committed to providing this information in a clear and accessible way. 


If you want to maximise your profits and develop a winning trading strategy, you owe it to yourself to check out our new tool. With its help, you can trade with greater confidence, knowing that you are getting the best possible pricing and keeping more of your hard-earned profits.  


So, what are you waiting for? Try out our Historical and Live Spreads Tool today and see how it can help take your trading to the next level. Trust us - you will not regret it! 


For more detailed information about our Spreads tool download our guide. 


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Revolutionising Forex Trading: How ChatGPT is Changing the Game
Fusion Markets

Getting an edge in Forex trading is the golden goose every trader pines for. While there have been many technological advances that have given traders an edge over the decades, FX traders are now looking toward what is fast becoming the biggest revolution in Forex: AI, and in particular ChatGPT. A seemingly magical AI that can produce articulate and human responses to almost any inquiry.  

It looks like ChatGPT is taking over the world, one chat at a time, and it can do anything you can only imagine (besides ordering pizza, but let’s not get too greedy). So, let's dive in and see how ChatGPT and AI are revolutionising forex trading, and how you can use this amazing tool to give you an edge in the markets. 


Unlocking the Benefits of Using ChatGPT 

So how can the chatbot improve your trading? Let’s take a closer look at what this Forex AI is capable of: 

  • Analysing Assets 

Now, I know what you are thinking. "How on earth can a language modelled AI help me analyse my assets?" Well, ChatGPT is no ordinary language model. It has been trained on massive amounts of data, including market trends, economic data, and news events. This means that it can analyse all the factors that affect the value of your assets and provide you with insights that can help you make better-informed decisions but be careful it only uses data up until 2021.  


The simple example above demonstrates what kind of information the chatbot can provide on the GBP/USD currency pair. Not bad, right? Well, why do not we try and get a little more advanced. 




How about even more granular? 



Now we are rolling. These are all simple 2-minute entries, but you can get as deep and detailed as you want - you are only bound by your own imagination!  

If you would like to learn more the GBP/USD, do not forget to check out Fusion Market’s article with a detailed overview of this asset. 


  • Creating Scripts 

ChatGPT has the potential to assist in the development of scripts that can be utilised by automated robots for trading purposes.  

While using the chatbot to generate an automated trading strategy, you have the liberty to employ more than one indicator.  

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated



The script above retrieves historical data for AUD/USD from Yahoo Finance, calculates two moving averages (SMA10 and SMA50), generates trading signals based on the crossover of these moving averages, defines trading positions based on these signals, executes trades based on a simple position sizing strategy, and plots the trading signals and positions on a chart.  

Furthermore, although Python was used in this context, you have the option to ask for scripts in alternative programming languages like MQL4 and MQL5 for the MetaTrader platforms, or Pinescript for TradingView. 

But do not get carried away by the power of technology! Please note that this script is for educational purposes only and should not be used for actual trading without proper testing and risk management. 


  • Providing definitions and Explanations of Forex Trading Concepts 

Forex trading has a unique vocabulary that can be confusing for beginners. Chat GPT can provide definitions and explanations of forex trading terms and concepts, helping traders understand key concepts like pips, spreads, leverage, etc. 

However, one of the drawbacks of relying on the chatbot to clarify investing concepts is the difficulty in verifying the accuracy of its outputs. Since there are no credible sources listed or citations provided, users are left with no option but to rely on the correctness of ChatGPT's responses. That is why we highly encourage you to always verify the information through multiple sources. 


  • Sharing Forex Trading Tips and Strategies 

Chat GPT can provide forex trading tips and strategies that traders can use to improve their trading skills. These tips can cover topics such as risk management, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis. Traders can ask questions about specific trading strategies, and it can provide detailed answers based on its vast knowledge base. 

The example below illustrates how the chatbot broke down the fundamentals of a swing trading strategy and outlined the initial steps: 

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  • Offering Personalised Recommendations 

Chat GPT can provide personalised recommendations for traders based on their individual trading style and preferences. Traders can ask the chatbot questions about specific trading scenarios, and it can provide recommendations on forex trading strategies, risk management techniques, and other factors that can impact their trading success. 

And the best part? ChatGPT can work 24/7, providing traders with up-to-date insights and analysis at any time of the day or night. 


Now, I know what you are thinking. "This all sounds too good to be true. What is the catch?" Well, my friends, there is one catch. ChatGPT is not infallible. While it can analyse vast amounts of data and provide insights, it is not immune to the unpredictability of the market. Traders still need to exercise caution and make their own judgments based on ChatGPT's analysis. So, lets take a look of what are the drawbacks of using this AI for trading. 


The Pitfalls of Trading with ChatGPT: 

  • Limited Understanding of Market Conditions 

While ChatGPT is highly proficient in language processing, it lacks the capacity to understand the nuances of market conditions. The market is highly complex, and there are numerous variables that can impact it. ChatGPT may analyse historical data and provide trading signals based on that analysis, but it may not be able to take into account current events that are influencing the market. This can result in incorrect trading signals and ultimately lead to financial losses. 

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  • Lack of Emotional Intelligence 

One of the advantages of trading with a machine is that it is not influenced by emotions. On the other hand, this lack of emotional intelligence prevents chatbots from the ability to assess the impact of human emotions on the market. For example, certain events can create panic and traders may make irrational decisions that can lead to a downward spiral in prices. AI may not be able to account for these emotional factors and provide incorrect trading signals.  


  • Dependence on Data 

ChatGPT is highly dependent on data. It relies on large datasets to analyse market conditions and provide trading signals. However, the data it uses may not always be accurate. The tool is only trained on data up to 2021, which means that there is a significant knowledge gap. Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to incorrect analysis and ultimately lead to financial losses. 


  • Lack of Flexibility 

ChatGPT operates based on pre-programmed algorithms. While these algorithms may be highly sophisticated, they lack flexibility. They are designed to analyse data and provide trading signals based on specific parameters. However, the market is constantly evolving, and these parameters may not always be relevant. Traders need to be able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. ChatGPT may not always be able to provide the flexibility needed to make quick decisions. 

Traders need to understand the limitations of AI and supplement its analysis with their own research.  


Tips to Unleash the Power of AI: 

Here are some tips to help ensure you get the most out of your ChatGPT to improve your trading experience: 

1. Understand Your Risk Profile: Trading involves significant risk that should be taken into account. Chatbots can be an incredibly powerful tool in helping traders identify potential opportunities in the market, but they do not have a capability of predicting human reactions to certain events and the volatility of the market. Make sure you understand your risk tolerance before relying on AI for trading decisions. 

2. Follow the Trends: While Chat GPT can analyse vast amounts of data quickly, it is important to note that it may not always be accurate. Pay close attention to the trends and always double-check any decisions with additional research. 

3. Trade Strategically: Along with following trends, it is important to develop a trading strategy before relying on any chatbot for your trading decisions. Determine which timeframe you want to focus on and create an entry and exit plan that makes sense in your particular situation. You can also practice trading to develop your own style with Fusion Market’s Demo account. 

4. Keep Learning: As with any trading strategy, it is important to continue learning and staying up to date on market trends and news that may affect your trades. Chat GPT can provide great insights into potential movements but only those who stay abreast of relevant news will be able to make the most out of their investments.  



Utilising software to assist traders is not a new practice, as algorithms have been around since the 1970s. However, Chat GPT offers a unique perspective. Its capacity to provide easy-to-understand, conversational responses to complicated questions implies that it may be advantageous for online traders in some instances. 

However, there are downsides to using Chat GPT for trading. The tool was not built to handle tasks requiring specialised knowledge or language capabilities that are often necessary for online trading. Additionally, the accuracy and reliability of its answers and information are largely untested, and concerns about bias, copyright, and the limited scope of training data still exist. 

These arguments have led to reservations about using Chat GPT in real-world trading environments. As a result, there is currently insufficient evidence to support the use of Chat GPT for online trading. 

Instead, traders should consider utilising brokers with machine learning and AI-enabled tools designed explicitly for online trading.  

At Fusion Market’s we understand how important it is to have the right tools to succeed in the world of Forex, so check out our TOP essentials tools for traders.  

Test out the full range of Chat GPT’s capabilities for Forex trading risk-free with Fusion Markets Demo Account today! 

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New Deposit Method with Interbank FX Rates
Fusion Markets

Interbank FX conversion rates are now at your fingertips. Our latest bank deposit method allows our clients to deposit 30+ different currencies and receive some of the best FX rates on the market. This means you’ll pay less when depositing your local currency into your trading base currency, putting the savings back into your trading bankroll.

See below to see the full list of the 30+ currencies accepted for this funding method.

How does it work?

To receive interbank FX conversion rates, login to your Client Hub and click “Bank Transfer” on the right of the screen.

bank deposit methods fusion markets

Select your trading account you’d like to deposit into (e.g. USD, GBP, AUD), and deposit into the bank address listed.

When we receive your fund they’ll then be converted to your base currency account at industry-leading FX conversion rates.  

Which Currencies Can I Deposit With?

Interbank FX rate Currency List

Can I still use old bank wire transfers?

Yes! Click on the icon on the left in your payments sections to see access to our older bank transfer methods. You still may want to use this method if your country has local bank funding options.

How long will it take until my deposit is processed?

Depending on your bank and region, your deposit can from 1-5 business days to process. You’ll receive an email from us once your funds are ready to trade.


Can I use this method to transfer funds from one base currency trading account to the other?

This functionality will be coming soon!


Can I also withdraw using this method?

This is something we’re looking to integrate in the future, at the moment, we’ll only be accepting deposits using this method.


I have more questions

If you’d like to know more, please contact our help team - they’re available 24/7.

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Top Forex Events In The New Millennium
Fusion Markets

Foreign exchange (FOREX) goes through ups and downs. Some events had stripped bare the possible volatility of the market, causing fear in the hearts of investors. Here are some top events since the year 2000 that caused chaos in the markets.

2013 Forex Probe

The Forex Probe of 2013 was a scandal that revealed how international banks had been working together for at least a decade to tweak Forex market exchange rates.  


Again, this event was all about investor fears of market manipulation as a result of bank collusion.  It wasnt easy to trust the market again after such practices were revealed. 


Four major banks admitted involvement, but the 2013 Forex Probe remains one of the most impactful foreign exchange events since 2000, even though the banks paid up $6 billion in fines.  


Greek Debt Crisis

In 2013, the Greek economy revealed its fragility, although it already showed some cracks during the 2007 worldwide financial crisis.  

It looked like Greece was going into an irreparable downfall. Still, the European Union overextended itself by granting it a generous loan of £68 billion. While the EU might have saved Greece, this move would remain one of the top events in Forex history for such a large amount of money changing hands.  


The consequences of the crisis could still be felt as Greece’s debt problems reverberated in 2015. Because Greece couldn’t reach its deal, some currencies surged, such as the Japanese Yen and Swiss Franc found which found themselves on the rise.  


However, other currencies didn’t fare so well in 2015. The Euro plunged in the Asian trading session. The dollar also experienced a one-month low of 122.10 yen.  


Political uncertainty in one country can affect many other countries, and sometimes the impact lasts for years. That is why the Greek Debt Crisis of 2013 makes it to our list of the most significant Forex events in the new millennium.  


2016 Sterling Flash Crash


Since we have already looked at what a flash crash is about, we can go straight to how the Sterling Pound lost its value within seconds on the 7th of October 2016.  


A fat finger error was suspected, but the Bank for International Settlements ruled that there was no proof it was the case. Further investigations revealed that algorithmic trading programs had triggered the crash. The algorithm issue was paired with traders who didn’t want to take much risk.  


GBP/USD - Sep-Nov 2016 - Forex chart


British Pound/U.S. Dollar – Sep-Nov 2016





Brexit 2016 caused panic in the European Union, especially when its economic effects were felt. Of course, it also had an impact on the foreign exchange market. 


The story of Britain’s breakup with the European Union was one of the top events in politics and Forex history. It went to show just how intricately related these aspects were.  


The UK’s unexpected move was what created the panic. Understandably, something so unprecedented had to affect the market. Right before the votes were out, the British pound sterling was moving in an upswing trend. However, it ended in a closing of 8% down for the GBP/USD pair on that day. 


A slide preceded the Brexit-caused slump for about a year.  


USD/JPY and AUD/USD Flash Crash of 2019

You may believe that Apple is mainly influential in the technology market. Think again. Its reaches have some effects on the foreign exchange market, as well.  


Apple’s statement in January 2019 that emphasised the Chinese economy’s struggle had several investors selling their most volatile currencies. 


When investors lose confidence in the Chinese economy, their trust in the AUD and JPY also fluctuates. After all, Australia is its most important trading partner.  


Therefore, a simple statement from Apple in 2019 has caused one of the most significant foreign exchange crashes of recent years.  



U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen – Jan 2019


Swiss Francs Crash 


In the same year, in February, the Swiss franc also suffered a crash. However, some considered this an inconsequential event.  


The Swiss Franc experienced a significant drop during the Asian trading session on the 10th of February. It dropped against the US dollar and other major peers.  


When the Japanese markets closed for National Foundation Day, the Swiss francs suffered from a lack of liquidity.  


Another critical Swiss franc crash happened a few years prior to this, in January 2015. The flash rally, as some call it, occurred after the Swiss National Bank announced that its currency would no longer be pegged at 1.20 against the Euro. Because of this, the franc went up by 20% against not only the Euro but also some major currencies.  


2020 Black Swan Event


The Black Swan event certainly caused a stir in the financial markets. Moreover, it points to the fall of the most popular of cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin. 


So, when the cryptocurrency fell to almost 4970 USD per coin, it caused sheer panic among investors. That was an 80% loss in value. For comparison, its 2017 value was at 19716 USD. 


Bitcoin was not alone in creating fear among investors, as Ethereum also dipped from 285 USD to 110 USD. COVID-19 was believed to be the cause of the plunge.  


Because the cryptocurrency crisis of 2022 was considered a Black Swan event, it affected other financial markets, including foreign exchange.  


The fear generated by black swans is especially fearsome due to their ability to wipe out entire accounts. Reliance on standard forecasting tools can fail to predict potential damages, and that is what makes black swan events so rare and devastating. 


Coronavirus Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to make its effects known in various industries worldwide. During that crisis economic growth expectations were downgraded in fear that major economic sectors had to be shut down due to the increasing coronavirus cases. That uncertainty reduced the demand for local currencies and investment funds. In addition, it impacted exchange rates and the fluctuating value of the US dollar as a world reserve currency.  


As a result, economic and political measures created significant changes worldwide and left a mark in Forex history. 




While there may be more FOREX-related events in the past and the upcoming future that will affect the market, the above are the ones that still have tangible impacts in the past few years. It is crucial for forex traders to stay ahead of an ever-changing market, and one of the ways to achieve it is to understand its history. 


To access the world’s markets easier and at a lower cost get a live account with Fusion Markets. 

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USD/BRL: An Overview
Fusion Markets

The forex symbol USD/BRL indicates the exchange rate value between the USD (US dollar) and the BRL (Brazilian Real)


Currency background

USD (US dollar)


The USD dollar is the United States of America’s official currency. Each dollar is made up of 100 cents. It is represented by US$ when differentiating it from other countries’ dollar currencies. However, they are more often just marked as $.


This currency has become the benchmark for other currencies because it is the most popularly used one. Even territories beyond the US have commonly used it as an unofficial currency.


Because it is often at the core of foreign-exchange trades, it has its own index – the USDX. It is regarded as the world’s most stable currency.


Brazilian Real (BRL)


The Brazilian Real (BRL) is Brazil’s official currency. Each Brazilian real is made up of 100 centavos. It is represented by the R$ symbol.


It was first used as the country’s official currency in July 1994. It replaced the cruzeiro real. The exchange ratio between the former and the current currencies are not 1:1, either. 1 real is equals to 2,750 cruzeiro real.


From 1994 to 1999, BRL was pegged to the USD as an attempt to maintain stability. As the largest Latin American economy, it is worth looking into. It is also the 9th largest in the world.


If you’re considering taking the USD/BRL pair, here are the things to consider:


Economic Conditions


Currency values depend on the economic conditions and public reception of their country’s stability.


Since the mid-twentieth century, the USD dollar has established itself as a powerhouse in the global economy. However, because it is a fiat currency, it is also affected by the United States’ economic outlook and activity.


Its strength may be good for the country itself. It can also be good for those who may be relying on its general strength to earn in foreign exchanges.


However, a powerful USD can be detrimental to countries relying on exports from the United States.


While the USD is obviously strong throughout, much can be said about Brazil’s economy as well. It is believed to be one of the strongest emerging economies due to its rich natural resources.


Its diversity in economy has spurred foreign investment to pour in. With an estimated $200 billion of direct investments, Brazil’s currency is doing great.


It wasn’t always the case. The currency faced several currency crises such as the Mexican currency one from 1994 to 1995, and the one with Asia and Russia in 1997 and 1999. Investors then didn’t want to have anything to do with the Brazilian real.


Supply and Demand


When the US exports more products, it triggers more demand for its currency because customers must change their money to dollars to be able to pay for the goods.


The US government and top American corporations may also issue bonds that can be purchased only with the US Dollar. Foreign investors must buy dollars to buy those financial instruments.


Because of the overall reliability and strength of the US dollar, a lot of investors will still buy the currency as a reserve.




Currencies depend on perception or market sentiment. For example, if people have been watching the news, finding out about a weakened US economy or increased unemployment, the tendency is to buy back their local currency. This will lower the value of the dollar.


The same goes with the BRL, but even worse since it is a less popular currency. While its economy is doing well and has it placed up there among emerging markets, political corruption could be its downfall.


Geopolitical Conditions and Global Risks


One of the factors that affect perception is geopolitical conditions. How are the politics in the country?


USD is a dominant global reserve. It may experience some lows, but it is always generally high in value. Recent events have this fiat currency on the rise, too. On the other hand, Brazil also started strong this year and has been pulling from Russian assets.


What can provide some volatility in the USD/BRL pair is Lula’s recent election as the President of Brazil.


How to trade USD/BRL


Now that you know the strength of the individual currencies, how do you trade the USD/BRL pair?


The value you get will depend on the exchange rate between the two.


While USD is a stable currency, Brazilian real is the currency of an emerging market. It means that Brazil’s GDP has been steadily growing from 2000. A similar trend is expected to continue.


You will earn a profit because an emerging market’s GDP tends to grow rapidly. However, you must be vigilant because it is also at risk of being negatively impacted by political instability and currency fluctuations. Weigh risks against rewards.


Pick the right time frame


Trade when the USD/BRL is at its busiest, and potentially at its most volatile. The 8:00 to 12:00 Eastern Time frame is also the time when USD details are more readily available.


It is when significant chunks of data have been released that a currency pair’s volatility increases. Be watchful at this time because you will have increased opportunities for profitable trades.




USD/BRL is useful if you want to diversify your foreign exchange portfolio. Your portfolio may see increased gains/losses when one of the fiat currencies in your portfolio is an emerging one.




Emerging currencies are more likely to display greater volatility. They have also been steadily rising since 2000. Though the previous formation is not a guarantee of future performance, the current strength of currencies like the Brazilian Real is reassuring.


Of course, you will be dealing with two currencies that can give you a lot of value. The USD is always strong. Meanwhile, BRL performs well because of the resources and commodities that Brazil can export. Exports can strengthen both currencies because they prompt investors to buy them.

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